Author Heidi Rice’s first love was watching movies so, not surprisingly, her first proper job was as a film journalist. But after spending years sneaking off to read romantic fiction when she was being paid to watch crappy B-movies, she decided to try writing a novel of her own. After several false starts, her first book, Bedded by a Bad Boy, was published by Harlequin Mills & Boon in 2007 (try telling that title to your mother with a straight face!). Eleven years and 50+ published novels, novellas and short stories later, she has had her work translated into over twenty languages, become a USA Today bestseller and sold over four million copies of her books worldwide.
In 2016, Heidi released her first full-length women’s fiction novel with Harlequin Mira UK, So Now You’re Back. Her second women’s fiction novel, Summer at Willow Tree Farm, came out in Harper Collins’ HQ Stories imprint in 2017. Her latest longer novel, Just Like in the Movies, was out in March 2021 from Harper Collins’ Digital First imprint One More Chapter and features a hopeful romantic, a hopeless cynic and a crumbling cinema in Notting Hill where dreams just might come true.
As you can probably tell, she loves her job, because it involves sitting down at her computer each day and getting swept up in a world of high emotions, sensual excitement, funny flawed women, sexy tortured men and glamorous locations where laundry doesn’t exist. She tutors an online romance writing course with the Professional Writing Academy to share the joy! She lives in London with her husband and two sons, and lots of other gorgeous men who are entirely in her imagination (unlike the laundry, unfortunately).